
Do Cnidarians Have Radial Symmetry


Radial symmetry describes living and non-living forms; these forms can exist equally divided into three or more sections that, when rotated through a center of rotation by more 0° and less than 360°, exactly friction match each other in orientation and shape. Radial symmetry does non bargain with mirror images simply about-perfect matches, for example the v equidistant arms of a starfish that circle its central torso and are of the same size and shape.

radial symmetry
Radial symmetry

What is Radial Symmetry?

The definition of radial symmetry in animals, plants and other organisms concerns a consummate or partial form that is the result of a serial of anatomical sections that echo on multiple planes. By turning each section on a rotational axis, they will rotate in a higher place 0° and under 360° to near-exactly match the adjacent section. Furthermore, the environment that surrounds each repeated section must be the aforementioned.

Tentacles and petal formations are common radial symmetry examples, and the number of repetitions of the same anatomical structure within a 360° range of motion gives each organism, plant, or even molecular structure a name that tells the states how many repetitions there are. The word actinomorphic refers specifically to radial symmetry – yous may have heard of actinomorphic flowers. Actino is Greek for a ray; recall of the rays of the sun coming from its core like the spokes of a bicycle cycle. Morphic refers to shape. The word tells united states that something has a radial form, with every department between the spokes or rays representing a near-exact re-create of the other sections.

actinomorphic flower petals radial symmetry
A actinomorphic flower

A trimeric organism consists of three repeated anatomical structures, a tetrameric organism refers to four repeated structures, pentameric to 5, hexameric to half-dozen, heptameric to 7, and octameric to eight. Organisms with any of these structures or college fall under the grouping term of multimeric organisms. All are composed of equidistant and repetitive shapes. Radial symmetry tin too correspond to function of an object. The petal organization of a flower tin can exist multimeric while the leaves and roots are non. If y'all cutting horizontally through an apple, you volition seen an example of internal pentamerism in the star-shaped cross-section of the apple tree core. The intestines show radial symmetry, as do the muscular layers of blood vessels. A tooth tooth when viewed from above exhibits radial symmetry.

In the field of biological science, radial symmetry is nearly always approximate. If yous compare two tentacles on the aforementioned animate being they will not exist exactly the aforementioned in form. When y'all look at the sliced open apple tree, not every seed pod is the same shape. Unlike compages and human-fabricated items, nature does not take to exist exact.

Radial or rotational symmetry is all-time explained visually. If y'all ignore the stem and place a three-foliage clover apartment on a table – or draw ane – with i leaf at the meridian and the two other leaves pointing slightly downwardly, how many lines can you draw through it to produce a near-exact copy? Outset, we tin can draw a directly, vertical line through the middle of the top leaf. The result is two sections, both featuring one-half of the summit leaf and one lower leafage. However, all nosotros done is produce a bilateral symmetry example (below left).

three leaf clover bilateral radial symmetry planes
Planes of bilateral and radial symmetry

The majority of organisms are bilaterally symmetrical, including us. If you depict a line through the centre of our bodies, both halves characteristic an arm and a leg. However, these sections simply match each other if ane is folded over. In other words, these halves are mirror images.

Rotational symmetry does not deal with mirror images but depends on degrees of rotation where the diverse equal sections rotate to exactly match each other. Only past turning the left-hand side of the body a full circle – 360° – does the outline match. And as it has traveled the full circle, it is not the friction match of another section but has but returned to its original position. This is not rotational symmetry.

If we go back to our 3-leaf clover case (right-manus prototype), we can describe two more lines – a diagonal line that goes through the middle of the lower left-hand foliage and some other going through the lower correct-paw leaf. Nosotros take now divided the 3 leaves into six sections, each of which incorporate half a leaf. Where a single foliage is divided into two, there is a problem. They are mirror images of ane other and if rotated past threescore° do not have the same  orientation. A single leafage is, therefore, bilaterally symmetrical. But the leaf group has more than one axis, and this is where the rotation part of rotational symmetry comes in.

In your mind'southward centre or using the above paradigm, rotate half a leafage, a set of 2 half leaves, or 3 half leaves until information technology exactly matches the position and shape of the side by side one-half foliage. You lot will need to rotate them 120°. The ruddy arrow in the picture of the three-leaf clover radial symmetry example shows the caste of rotation. A complete circle is 360° and ane third of this is 120° – this means the three-leaf clover has order-iii rotation or iii-fold rotation, or is trimeric/trimerous.

At present let us do the aforementioned with a four-leafage clover – drawing one will be necessary due to their rarity, and ignore the stem. Two planes have already been filled in by natural means – the lines of the central leaf veins that course a diagonal cross. We can add together two straight lines that run betwixt adjacent leaves.

With iv planes – the natural X and the fatigued or imagined cross – each 45° department can exist rotated through 90° and exactly match the shape of the destination sector. A full 360° circle is composed of four xc° angles, and then the four-leaf clover has order-4 rotation or 4-fold rotation; it is tertrameric/tertramerous. The red arrow shows how many degrees the half-leaf needs to plow to exactly match the next: two times 45°.

four leaf clover radial symmetry planes
The four planes of the four-leaf clover

Radial Symmetry in Nature

In nature, radial symmetry abounds – although it is nowhere nigh as common equally bilateral symmetry. The most visible examples of radial symmetry in nature are actinomorphic flowers. The shape of a flower is not at all random. While color and scent tin can provide other means of attraction, actinomorphism gives a bloom the greatest chance of pollination by multiple species. If nosotros think of flowers that merely attract one type of pollinator, such as the bee orchid, they are more likely to exhibit bilateral symmetry (zygomorphism). The bee orchid mimics the grade of a female bee and so encourages males of that species to try to mate with information technology and in doing so, pollinate the flower. Bees are also the primary pollinators of monkshood or Aconitum flowers. These flowers are also zygomorphic.

bee orchid bilateral symmetry zygomeric
The bee orchid

Radial symmetry means that more than insect types can state on the blossom, drinkable the nectar, and unwittingly send pollen to other flowers of the same species. The shape of a multi-fold form is recognized as a food source. Together with color, blooming fourth dimension, and scent, the shape of the flower is a survival mechanism that increases its chances of reproduction.

In one case a bloom has been pollinated, the constitute tin produce seeds. Some of these seeds are enclosed in pods, others inside fruit. Piece through the center of nearly fruits and you will see some beautiful examples of radial symmetry. The segments of an orange, the seed distribution of a kiwi fruit, and the five-pointed star of an apple cadre, for example.

Radial symmetry, or at least guess radial symmetry, increases the strength of spider webs, evenly distributing the force of affect when a large insect becomes trapped. Using radial threads and screw threads, these multi-fold structures certainly look similar viable rotational symmetry examples.

Tiny crystals of water ice in the form of snowflakes bear witness spectacular radial symmetry. In China, in 135 B.C., Han Yin wrote downwards his observations. He reported that the flowers of plants are ordinarily five-pointed, and 'snowfall flowers' six-pointed. When, in 1885, Wilson Bentley took the first photographs of snowflakes – v,000 of them – he told us what is now accepted equally fact, that no two snowflakes are alike.

snowflake radial symmetry ice crystal
No two are the aforementioned

Organisms with Radial Symmetry

A radially symmetrical organism has a height and a lesser called the oral and aboral side respectively and not the head or rear. Information technology is incommunicable to distinguish a left or right side.

Does an octopus have radial symmetry? Only if it is sitting flat on a slice of glass and you tin't run into its head. If so, the eight suckered tentacles radiate from a central point. The rather lopsided caput ways that even when looking downwards onto an octopus, y'all won't see any sign of radial symmetry, although many drawing octopi ignore this fact.

The majority of organisms that showroom radial symmetry are found in the ocean. As has already been mentioned right at the commencement of this commodity, one of the criteria for radial symmetry is that each repeated department is exposed to the aforementioned surround.

Marine and freshwater organisms with radial symmetry rarely motion at speed. Some stick to rocks and use radially-symmetrical filamented heads to catch microorganisms or small fish. Some utilize radial tentacles to pitter-patter along the body of water flooring or float forth the electric current. Only the environment that surrounds each repeated shape is the same – h2o.

batstar radial symmetry sea anenome
The bat star – clear radial symmetry

Organisms with radial symmetry are usually very elementary. The primary phyla and classes are:

  • Phylum Cnidaria: Hydrozoa, Scyphozoa, Cubozoa, and Anthozoa
  • Phylum Myxozoa: Myxosporea
  • Phylum Ctenophora: Tetaculata, and Nuda

Examples of radial symmetry animals about normally list members of these phyla. Cnidaria is a group of marine and freshwater organisms that either have on the form of a stationary polyp or the moving form of a medusa. Polyps in the grouping Anthozoa include sea anemones and corals.  Hydrozoa, Scyphozoa, and Cubozoa are medusa in form and include all forms of jellyfish. The life cycle of Cnidaria is often a mix of larva and/or polyp or medusa. For example, a jellyfish larva settles in a safe place and becomes a bilaterally symmetrical polyp. When mature, the polyp buds to become multiple young medusae or jellyfish with radial symmetry.

jellyfish radial symmetry medusa tentacles
Both the head and the tentacles possess radial symmetry

Phylum Myxozoa  should, anatomically-speaking, exist role of phylum Cnidaria but these parasites are often given their own category. These extremely tiny, radially-symmetric organisms cannot survive without ii aquatic hosts, one of which is nearly ever a fish.

Phylum Ctenophora or comb jellies take sticky cells on their tentacles to grab their prey. They are actually biradial in grade, and their symmetry is three dimensional and a mix of radial and bilateral symmetry.

As with jellyfish, animals tin can develop unlike body symmetry according to their life wheel. For instance, the sand dollar starts life every bit a bilaterally-symmetric nymph and exhibits rotational symmetry as an adult (see below). If radially-symmetric organisms began life in a bilaterally-symmetric form, they are said to exhibit secondary radial symmetry.

sand dollar radial symmetry marine
Common finds on the beach – sand dollars

It is not only the form of an organism or plant that has radial symmetry only likewise sure internal structures. These include tubules and optics. If you look at a cross-section of the man intestine, information technology is radially symmetrical; a circle is radial symmetry perfection in mathematical terms – no matter how many times you divide it from the center outwards (except when using a single line), each section will be exactly the same in form. If you have e'er looked at or colored in a mandala, y'all will have noticed how the aforementioned pattern repeats within the circle. The human brain and the brains of many animals are wired to appreciate symmetry. In fact, our optics detect 5-fold radial symmetry (and above) at a greater speed than with objects possessing bilateral symmetry.

In the world of viruses, radial symmetry can also be institute. Examples are the rotavirus and norovirus. Fifty-fifty their surface proteins are arranged at similar distances from each other.

Some molecules too exhibit this type of symmetry, for instance marsh gas. The primal carbon atom bonds with four hydrogen atoms. If lines are fatigued through the carbon atom and either to the side or through the middle of the hydrogen atoms, if you rotate each section they will match each other after 90° – iv-fold radial symmetry.

methane molecule radial symmetry carbon hydrogen CH4
The symmetry of CH4

Radial Symmetry and Movement

When humans and other mammals motion, they tin can practice and so rapidly. Bilateral symmetry creates balance and helps us to propel ourselves forward. This is not the case with radial symmetry. Organisms that showroom radial symmetry often depend on the environment to motility them, such as the ocean currents or the air current. Others are immobile, either stuck to a rock nether the sea or attached to the ground equally plants. If a radially symmetrical animal has to move from ane place to another it rarely moves from side-to-side; instead it moves  up and down in the direction of oral or aboral end. When these organisms do motility to the side, they seem to use the aforementioned mechanisms as organisms with bilateral symmetry.

One study on brittle stars showed that these marine organisms travel in different horizontal directions by extending i of 5 jointed tentacles. The two tentacles to either side then grab the sand or rock and pull the brittle star forward. The central tentacle acts as a central plane and the two others are mirrored in it, just equally with bilateral symmetry. Bilateral symmetry means forward motion; without this technique the brittle star would move vertically. Whenever the brittle star wants to change management, it but uses another tentacle as the central plane.

brittle star marine organism tentacles radial symmetry
Brittle star – radially symmetrical shape, bilaterally symmetrical movement

Radial Symmetry vs Bilateral Symmetry

Radial versus bilateral symmetry is easy to explicate. Bilateral is two-sided symmetry and the most common form – 90% of organisms and plants are bilaterally symmetrical. An anteroposterior aeroplane that cuts vertically through the center of the head, chest, belly and pelvis of a human will separate it into ii near-verbal parts that are mirror images of each other.

Animals that are shaped according to bilateral symmetry have a top (dorsal) side and lesser (ventral) side, a head (anterior) and tail (posterior), and a left and correct side.  Examples of bilateral symmetry in the creature world include worms and snails, lobsters, cats, seals, turtles, and humans.

anatomical position symmetry bilateral human anatomy
The anatomical position – bilateral symmetry

All you lot need to do is prototype a line through its middle – if the shape either side is a mirror image of the other, the organism, establish, molecule, microorganism, business firm, window, annihilation at all, is bilaterally symmetrical. Higher life forms with bilateral symmetry have adult to move frontwards very quickly. Our eyes and noses face up frontward and our muscles propel us forwards (how apace can yous run backwards?). We tin quickly sense what is coming and react.

If you can draw more than than i line through the center of a picture or imagined image of an organism, pattern, or fifty-fifty a office of the body, and when each section looks the same and can be rotated to lucifer the section that comes before or later on it, yous will have discovered that it is radially symmetrical. There are no mirror images in radial symmetry. Merely repeated shapes through 2 or more planes.

bilateral symmetry mirror image
The mirror paradigm – bilateral symmetry on a horizontal airplane

Examples or radial symmetry in animals and organisms have been given throughout this article. Call up, these organisms do not have anterior and posterior sides, correct or left sides, or dorsal and ventral surfaces. Instead, they take a mouth (oral) and base (aboral) side. Our optics automatically selection up on rotational symmetry examples, so all you lot demand is a little religion in your gut instinct.




  • Persiani S. (2019). Biomimetics of Motion: Nature-Inspired Parameters and Schemes for Kinetic Design. Ney York, Springer International Publishing.
  • Agarwal V K. (2017). Zoology for Degree Students For BSc (Hons) Semester I. New Delhi, South Chand Publishing.

Do Cnidarians Have Radial Symmetry,


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