
Doves And Hawks Vietnam War

Perspectives on Vietnam

Perspectives on Vietnam

The Vietnam War was a complex and heated political issue and was one of the most unpopular and divisive wars in U.S. history. During this fourth dimension, people who had pro-state of war stances were called "hawks, "while those who were anti-war were called "doves." Some people think that the majority of people who were against the war were "hippies," young people who were part of a counter-civilisation movement. In reality, all kinds of people had strong feelings virtually the War, and many of these feelings were negative.

In this lesson, students will analyze v master sources, all from different groups or individuals, to explore differing opinions about the War. These documents are just a pocket-sized sampling of opinions about the State of war, and are in no way representative of all of the arguments and opinions most the War, nor are they representative of the opinions of HSP.  However, from these documents, students volition better understand the complication of this event.

Essential Questions


Students will be able to:
• Understand different perspectives on the Vietnam War by reading multiple primary sources
• Analyze master sources by answering questions well-nigh author intent and purpose and the organization of information
• Synthesize arguments presented in a document past answering questions virtually the document and discussing them in form

Principal Sources

Other Materials

Suggested Instructional Procedures

1. Each student should have a copy of all the documents (in physical or digital form).
2. Either individually or in groups, have students read through all the documents and make full out the worksheet.
iii. As a class, come up with a brief timeline of the Vietnam War and write information technology on the board. Ask students to detect the dates of each document and place them on the timeline. (If students cannot figure out the date of the document, it is listed on the source'south page on the Digital Library.) Discuss what was going on when each document was written and how this may take influenced the statement made by the author(s) of each document. Inquire students how arguments about the War might have changed in the later years of the War.
5. For a concluding activity, have a panel discussion. Divide grade into five groups. Each grouping is assigned one of the documents. For the panel give-and-take, pretend that the year is 1967 (all the documents are from 1965-1967) and the console is discussing what the U.South. should do in Vietnam. Each group should ready some arguments based on the document by using the worksheet questions for guidance, thinking about what had happened upward until 1967, and reading carefully over their document. Each group should nominate ane person to be on the panel and represent the author(south) of the document. The five students should take turns making an argument based on what their grouping came upwardly with. Once all five students take gone, they can ask each other questions or the audience tin ask them questions. If the student on the console gets asked a question, the rest of their grouping can assistance them answer it.
4. For homework, accept students interview someone who was alive during the Vietnam War. Students should ask this person how sometime they were when the War began and ended, what their strongest memories are most the War, the stance they had well-nigh the State of war then, and the opinion they currently hold about the War. They should record these answers and share them in class.


Dove: Those who support resolve international conflicts without the threat of force.
Hawk: Those who abet an aggressive foreign policy based on strong military power.
Viet Cong: The Communist-led guerilla force and revolutionary army of South Vietnam; the military machine of the National Liberation Front of South Vietnam

Doves And Hawks Vietnam War,


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