
How To Say Hello In Macedonian

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Learn How To Say (?) In Macedonian

Time To Learn Macedonian

North Macedonia is one of the least visited countries in the Balkan Peninsula, just every bit we mentioned in our previous posts, it'south a country that has a lot to offer.

Hence, it'due south no surprise that the number of tourists visiting Macedonia is higher than ever. As the land's tourism keeps developing, more locals present speak English, but information technology's still useful to larn a few bones Macedonian phrases.

The Macedonian language belongs to the Slavic linguistic communication family unit, but it's the only Slavic linguistic communication that doesn't use any grammatical cases.

Balkan Flags_Macedonia 1

This makes Macedonian distinct from all the other Slavic languages and likewise a bit harder to learn. Another fun fact is that Macedonians use the Cyrillic script, which most people refer to every bit "the Russian alphabet," but many don't know that the first variation of this script was created on (and then) Macedonian territory.

The Alphabet

Learning Macedonian_Macedonian Alphabet

Formal And Informal

As yous'll encounter in this commodity, almost every phrase in Macedonian can have a polite (formal) and casual (informal) form. These different forms can get a bit tricky for someone that's trying to learn the linguistic communication, but you shouldn't worry a lot about it at this stage. Just recollect that you should use the polite class when talking to elderly people or informal communication, and for everyone else, the informal course will practice.

Like we mentioned, present, more Macedonians speak English, merely locals appreciate it a lot when they run into a foreigner actually putting effort into learning the language. So, whether y'all're planning to visit Macedonia soon or just desire to acquire some basic phrases, this guide to learning Macedonian will surely come in handy.


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Zdravo (zdra-vo)

Proficient Morning

Dobro Utro (do-bro oot-ro)

Good Afternoon

Dobar Den (Do-bar den)

Good Evening

Dobra Vecer (practise-bra vech-er)

Practiced Night

Dobra Nokj (do-bra nokh)

*kj is one of the strangest sounding messages in the Macedonian alphabet. When pronouncing, endeavour to say the letters k and j (y) at the same time.

The Basics

Things to do in Skopje Macedonia_3

How are y'all?

Kako si (ka-ko si) an informal greeting; used when speaking to someone similar a friend.

Kako ste (ka-ko ste) a formal greeting; used when speaking to an elderly person.

Fine, thank yous

Dobro, Blagodaram. (do-bro bla-go-da-ram)

And y'all?

A ti? (a tee) just like above, this form is used when speaking in breezy occasions.

A vie? (a 5. A.) used when speaking in formal occasions or when talking to elderly people.


Te Molam (the mo-lam) informal

Ve Molam (vae mo-lam)

Cheers/Thank you very much

Blagodaram (bla-go-da-ram)

/Mnogu ti blagodaram (mno-goo tee bla-go-da-ram) informal

Mnogu vi blagodaram (mno-goo vee bla-go-da-ram) formal

You're welcome

Nema za sto (ne-ma za sh-to)


Until next time– Exercise Gledanje (do-gle-da-nye)

*Nj is another letter which is quite difficult to pronounce for foreigners. Similarly similar kj, attempt to pronounce the letters N and J (y) at the same time.

Permanent goodbye– Zbogum- Zbo-goom

Come across you soon

Se gledame naskoro (se gle-da-me nas-ko-ro)





Macedonia Travel Blog_Learn How to Speak Macedonian

Excuse me

Izvinete (eez-vee-ne-te)

I'thousand deplorable/ Sorry/Pardon me

Zal mi eastward (zhal me-A)

Izvini (eez-vee-nee)

Izvinete me (eez-vee-ne-te mea)

What'due south your proper noun?

Kako se vikas? (ka-ko se half-dozen-kash)

I am/ My name is

Jas sum (yas soom)

Jas se vikam (yas se vee-kam)

Nice to Run into Yous

Milo mi due east (mee-lo me-ea)

Where are you from/ Where practise you come from

Od kade si? (od ka-de run into)

Od kade doagas. (od ka-de doa-gyash).

I'one thousand from/ I come from

Jas sum od (yas soom od)

Jas doagam od (yas doa-gyam od)

How old are you?

Kolku godini imas? (Kol-koo get-dee-nee eem-ash)

I am __ years old

Jas imam __ godini (yas eem-am __ go-dee-nee)

I like/ I don't like

Jas sakam (yas sa-kam)

Jas ne sakam (yas ne-sa-kam)

Language Difficulties

Practise you speak English?

Dali zboruvate Angliski? (Da-lee zbo-roo-va-te An-glees-kee)

Is there someone who speaks English language?

Dali ima nekoj sto zboruva Angliski? (da-lee ee-ma ne-koy shto zbo-roo-va an-glees-kee)

I don't understand

Jas ne razbiram (Yas ne raz-bee-ram)

I speak a little Macedonian

Zboruvam malku Makedonski (zbo-roo-vam mal-koo ma-ke-don-ski)

I don't speak Macedonian

Jas ne zboruvam Makedonski (Yas ne zbo-roo-vam ma-ke-don-skee)

Can you please speak a trivial slower?

Dali moze da zboruvas mallku pobavno? (Da-lee mo-zhe da zbo-roo-vash mal-koo po-bav-no)- Informal Form

Dali moze da zboruvate mallku pobavno? (Da-lee mo-zhe da zbo-roo-va-te mal-koo po-bav-no) -Polite Grade

Could you write that down?

Moze li da go zapishete toa? (mo-zhe lee da go za-pish-A-te to-a)

Could y'all repeat that

Moze li da go povtorite toa? (mo-zhe lee da get pov-to-ree-te to-a)

How do I say…?

Kako da kazam…? (ka-ko da kazh-am)

What does that mean?

Sto znaci toa? (Sh-to zna-chee toa)

What fourth dimension is it?

Kolku e casot? (kol-koo e chas-ot)

It'due south v o'clock

Chasot e pet (cha-sot ae pet)

Shopping & Coin phrases

Learning Macedonian_Money

How much is this?

Kolku cini ova? (kol-koo chee-nee o-va)

I'm looking for

Baram (ba-ram)

I would like

Sakam (sa-kam)

Tin can I pay by credit card?

Moze li da platam and so karticka? (mo-zhe lee da pla-tam so kar-tich-ka)

Tin can I see this?

Moze li da become vidam ova? (Mo-zhe lee da go vee-dam o-va)

Do you take this in small/medium/large

Get imate li ova vo mala/sredna/golema varijanta? (Become ee-ma-te lee o-va vo ma-la/sred-na/become-le-ma va-ri-yan-ta)

Do y'all have annihilation cheaper?

Dali imate nesto poeftino? (Da-lee ee-ma-te nesh-to po-ef-tee-no)

It's besides expensive

Ova east preskapo (o-va ee- prey-ska-po)

I'll give you 500 denars for it

Kje ti dadam petstotini denari za ova (kye tee da-dam pet-sto-tee-nee dae-na-ree za o-va)

Where can I substitution money?

Kade moze da zamenam pari? (ka-de mo-zhe da za-mae-nam pa-ree)

Transportation Phrases

Learning Macedonian_Skopje Bus
Photograph Credit

A one-manner ticket to Ohrid, please

Eden bilet za Ohrid vo eden pravec, ve molam. (Ed-en beel-et za Oh-reed vo ed-en pra-vets ve mo-lam)

Hither'south my passport

Eve go mojot pasos (ey-ve become mo-yot pa-sosh)

What fourth dimension does the bus from Ohrid depart/arrive?

Koga trgnuva/pristiga avtobusot za/od Ohrid (ko-ga trg-noo-va/prees-tee-ga av-to-boo-sot za/od Oh-reed)

Za and od are adverbs used for direction. In this case, za means (going) to and od means (coming) from.

Plane- Avion (av-ee-on); Train-voz

Is the motorbus/train/flying direct?

Dali avtobusot/vozot/letot east direkten? (da-lee av-to-boos-ot/voz-ot/ le-tot ey dee-rek-ten)

Do I have to change the jitney/train

Dali moram da go smenam avtobusot/vozot (da-lee mo-ram da go sme-nam av-to-boos-ot/voz-ot)

Do I demand a seat reservation?

Dali treba da rezerviram (da-lee trey-ba da re-zer-vee-ram)

Is this seat taken?

Slobodno li due east? (slo-bod-no lee ey)

When is the next jitney to Ohrid?

Koga e sledniot avtobus za Ohrid (ko-ga e sled-nee-ot av-to-boos za Oh-reed)

Could yous call me a taxi?

Moze li da mi viknes Taxi (Mo-zhe lee da mey veek-nesh ta-xi)

I'd like to get to…

Sakam da odam vo (sa-kam da o-dam vo)

Can y'all let me know where to become off?

Moze li da mi kazete kade da se simnam (mo-zhe lee da mey ka-zh-e-te ka-de da se seem-nam)

Management Phrases

Learning Macedonian_Directions

How exercise I go to…

Kako da stignam practise (ka-ko da steeg-nam)

It'south on the left/right/straight ahead

Levo eastward/ Desno due east/ Pravo e (le-vo ey; des-no ey; pra-vo ey)

How far it is?

Kolku e daleku? (Kol-koo ey da-le-koo)

Where is the closest bank/post office/exchange office?

Kade e najbliskata banka/posta/menuvacnica? (Ka-de ey nai-blees-ka-ta ban-ka/ posh-ta/ me-noo-vach-nee-tsa)

Practise you accept a map?

Imas li mapa? (Ee-mash lee ma-pa)

Tin yous show me that on the map?

Moze li da mi go pokazete toa na kartata? (Mo-zhe lee da me go po-ka-zhe-te toa na ma-pa-ta)

Where is the French embassy?

Kade e Francuskata ambasada? (ka-de east fran-tsoo-ska-ta am-ba-sa-da)

Eating And Drinking Phrases

Learning Macedonian_Macedonian food

Can you recommend a skilful restaurant?

Dali moze da mi preporacate dobar restoran? (da-lee mo-zhe da me casualty-po-ra-cha-te do-bar res-to-ran)

There are ii/3/four of us

Nie sme dvajca/trojca/cetvorica (nee-ae sme dvai-tsa/troi-tsa/chet-vo-ri-tsa)

What would y'all recommend?

Sto bi mi preporacale? (sh-to bee me pre-po-ra-cha-ley)

What are some local specialties?

Koi se lokalnite specijaliteti? (Koee se lo-kal-nee-te spe-tsee-ya-li-te-tee)

Could I meet the menu, please?

Moze li da go vidam menito, ve molam? (Mo-zhe lee da become vee-dam me-nee-to ve-mo-lam)

A beer/coffee/tea, please

Pivo/kafe/caj, ve molam (pee-vo/ka-atomic number 26 chai ve mo-lam)

Could I get the bill, please?

Moze li da ja dobijam smetkata, ve molam? (mo-zhe lee da ya practise-bee-yam smet-ka-ta ve-mo-lam)

I'm allergic to…

Alergicen sum na… (al-eyr-ghee-chen soom na)

That was delicious

Toa bese vkusno (To-a be-she v-koos-no)

This isn't what I ordered

Ova ne e toa sto go naracav (o-va ne e to-a sh-to go na-rach-av)

Tin can I purchase you lot a potable?

Moze li da ti kupam pijacka (moo-zhe lee da tee koo-pam pee-yach-ka)

Let's have another 1…

Ajde uste po edna (ay-dey ush-te po ed-na)

Sightseeing Phrases

Kaneo, Ohrid, Macedonia

Are there guided tours?

Ima li tura and so vodic? (ee-ma lee also-ra so vo-deech)

What is the entrance fee?

Kolku cini vleznicata? (Kol-koo chee-nee vlez-nee-tsa-ta)

What is that building?

Sto east taa zgrada? (shto e taa zgra-da)

Is it open on Sundays?

Dali e otvoreno vo nedela? (da-lee ey ot-vo-re-no vo ney-dey-la)

What's at the cinema/theater tonight?

Sto ima vo kino/teatar vecer? (sh-to ee-ma vo kee-no/ te-a-tar vech-er)

That's a beautiful church/cathedral/building

Toa e prekrasna crkva/katedrala/zgrada (to-a due east pre-kras-na tsrk-va/ ka-ted-ra-la/ zgra-da)

What is there to run into around here?

Sto ima da se vidi naokolu? (sh-to ee-ma da se vee-dee na-oko-loo)

Accommodation Phrases


Tin can y'all recommend me a cheaper hotel?

Dali moze da mi preporacate nekoj poeftin hotel? (da-lee mo-zhe da mee prey-po-ra-cha-te ne-koy po-ef-teen ho-tel)

I have a reservation

Jas imam rezervacija (yas ee-mam re-zer-va-tsee-ya)

Do yous have whatsoever rooms bachelor?

Dali imate slobodni sobi? (da-lee ee-ma-te slo-bod-nee and then-bee)

Could I come across the room?

Dali moze da ja vidam sobata? (da-lee mo-zhe da ya vee-dam and so-ba-ta)

I'd similar to stay for __ nights

Bi sakal/a (the a class is used if you're a female) da ostanam __ veceri

(bee sa-ka-la da os-ta-nam __ ve-che-ree)

Is breakfast included?

Dali pojadokot due east vklucen? (da-lee po-ya-dok-ot due east v-kloo-chen)

Is there anywhere I can get out my luggage?

Kade moze da go ostavam bagazot? (ka-de mo-zhe da become bone-ta-vam ba-gazh-ot)

When do I take to check out?

Koga treba da se odjavam? (ko-ga tre-ba da se od-ya-vam)

The __ in my room doesn't work

__ vo mojata soba ne raboti (__ vo mo-ya-ta then-ba ne ra-bo-tee)

Could I become a different room?

Dali moze da dobijam druga soba? (da-lee mo-zhe da practise-bee-yam droo-ga so-ba)

Is in that location a eatery here?

Dali ima restoran ovde? (da-lee ee-ma res-to-ran ov-de)

Difficult Situations And Emergencies

Learning Macedonian_Emeregency

Help/Tin you help me?

Pomos/ Dali moze da mi pomognete? (po-mosh/ da-lee mo-zhe da mee po-mog-ne-te)

Please come up with me; information technology's an emergency

Ve molam dojdete so mene, itno due east (ve mo-lam doy-de-te so mey-ney eet-no A)

I've lost (my keys)

Gi izgubiv (moite klucevi) (ghee eez-goo-beev mo-ee-te kloo-chey-vee)

I need a doctor/dentist/police officer

Mi treba doktor/zabolekar/policaec (mee t-re-ba dok-tor/za-bo-lae-kar/po-lee-tsa-ets)

Is at that place a chemist's shop nearby?

Dali ima apteka vo blizina? (da-lee ee-ma ap-te-ka vo blee-zee-na)

Can I please utilise your phone?

Dali moze da se javam od vasiot telefon? (da-lee mo-zhe da se ya-vam od va-shee-ot te-le-fon)

Phone call the police/ambulance

Javete se vo policija/brza pomos (ya-ve-te se vo po-lee-tsee-ya/ br-za po-mosh)

Leave me alone

Ostavete me na mira (os-ta-ve-te mae na mee-ra)

To summarize, you don't really need to learn Macedonian to make the about of your trip unless you lot're planning to get way off the browbeaten rails. Still, knowing some of these phrases and using them in everyday advice with locals will surely make their solar day.

Did this article help you learn some helpful phrases for your upcoming trip? Would you similar to learn another words in Macedonian, or peradventure some Macedonian swearing words (which, by the mode, is probably the first affair the locals would endeavour to teach you)? Allow us know in the comments, and we'll make certain to add a role two!

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